fig. 128: shorter days and cooler nights can act almost like poison to some leaves,
coursing through their veins and hastening their inevitable demise.
fig. 127: late summer/early fall.
fig. 126: the eastern cottonwood is much more
"Pennsylvania Dutch" than its western cousin.
fig. 125: certain leaves fight against aging, others embrace it wholly.
fig. 124: the Japanese Zelkova is susceptible to a blight of geometric precision.
fig. 123: in east facing gardens, clover leaves will become more ornamental.
fig. 122: certain mushrooms are only found under the leaves of the Cobalt Tree.
fig. 121: down near the playground, a yellow poplar, or 'tuliptree' drops its magnificent fruit.
fig. 120: the vernal equinox has some amazing effects on the plant kingdom.
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